Zeměměřické a astronomické přístroje používané na území ČR od 16. do konce 20. století


astronomicko-geodetické přístroje
astronomical-surveying instruments

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

astronomické přístroje
astronomical instruments

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition


The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další úhlová měřidla
Půlkruhový astroláb 
other devices for measuring angle

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další délková měřidla
other devices for measuring length

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • Wiener Klafter EH und Scala M.D.C.C.L.V.I.

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další délková měřidla
other devices for measuring length

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • undefined

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další délková měřidla
other devices for measuring length

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

ostatní měřidla
other instruments

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition


The manufacturer's name on the device
  • perhaps made by Haase & Wilhelm

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další úhlová měřidla
Jakubova hůl / Cross staff 
other devices for measuring angle

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

nivelační přístroj
levelling instrument

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

ostatní měřidla
other instruments

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další úhlová měřidla
other devices for measuring angle

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

ostatní měřidla
other instruments

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další úhlová měřidla
other devices for measuring angle

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další úhlová měřidla
other devices for measuring angle

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další délková měřidla
other devices for measuring length

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další úhlová měřidla
other devices for measuring angle

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition


The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další úhlová měřidla
other devices for measuring angle

The manufacturer's name on the device
Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další délková měřidla
other devices for measuring length

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • not specified

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition
