Zeměměřické a astronomické přístroje používané na území ČR od 16. do konce 20. století


Josef Schablaß (-ss) founded a company in Vienna in 1810 that produced compasses, mining compasses, dendrometers, levelling devices, plane tables, pantographs, sundials. In 1845 he won a bronze medal at the 3rd Trade Show.

nivelační přístroj
levelling instrument

The manufacturer's name on the device
  • J. Schablaß in Wien

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition

další úhlová měřidla
buzola závěsná 
other devices for measuring angle

The manufacturer's name on the device

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition


The manufacturer's name on the device
  • J. Schablaß in Wien

Interesting construction features

Information about the use of device

Information about the device condition
